Parents struggle to balance safety with healthy childhood freedom. During the 60s through 80s, children faced constant dangers from unrestrained car rides to rusty playground equipment. Kids played with realistic toy guns, explored abandoned buildings, and built rickety bike ramps without supervision. These experiences created both resilience and unnecessary risks that harmed many young lives.
Modern parenting can combine the best of both worlds.
17. No Seat Belts

Cars in the 60s and 70s were death traps by today’s standards. Families piled in with zero restraints, kids bouncing around the back seat like human pinballs. Nobody batted an eye when children crawled from seat to seat during highway drives.
The stats don’t lie – those carefree rides ended in brutal injuries when accidents happened. Today’s mandatory seat belt laws exist because we finally wised up to the obvious: flying through windshields isn’t ideal. Studies from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show these laws dramatically reduced traffic fatalities once implemented.
16. Smoking Everywhere

Picture a smoke machine exploding in every public space – that was the 60s and 70s. Restaurants, planes, offices – all filled with thick clouds that nobody could escape. Parents puffed away with kids right beside them, zero concern for those developing lungs.
Health effects? What health effects? Vintage smoking ads now shock viewers with how blatantly companies pushed cigarettes. The World Health Organization and American Cancer Society research shows how these practices led to countless preventable health problems. Public smoking bans today show we finally got smart about not wanting cancer.
15. BB Gunfights

Neighborhood streets became miniature war zones with children wielding realistic toy firearms, a trend that has dramatically changed over time. BB gunfights were just casual weekend entertainment – no eye protection, no supervision, just metal pellets flying everywhere. Kids would shoot at each other point-blank, collecting welts like badges of honor.
The idea that getting shot with metal BBs might be dangerous barely registered. Medical journals from the 90s documented thousands of injuries, particularly eye trauma, from these “toys.” Today, parents would lose their minds if they caught kids doing half the stuff that was standard back then.
14. Exploring Abandoned Buildings

Before it became a hashtag, urban exploration was just Tuesday afternoon for kids in the 60s and 70s. Abandoned buildings with rotting floors, exposed nails, and who-knows-what chemicals were basically playgrounds. Kids climbed through broken windows and over debris without a second thought.
The thrill of finding “secret” rooms outweighed any concern about tetanus, collapsing structures, or the creeps who might be hanging out there. Environmental Health Perspectives research shows these buildings often contained asbestos, lead paint, and other hazards. Parents had no clue where their kids were half the time, and nobody cared.
13. Rolling Down Hills in Tractor Tires

Who needed playground equipment when you could stuff yourself into a massive tractor tire and hurtle downhill with zero control? This countryside classic sent kids tumbling at breakneck speeds, bouncing off rocks and into trees.
Bruises, sprains, and concussions were just part of the fun. The lack of steering or brakes didn’t deter anyone. If you made it to the bottom without breaking something, you dragged that tire back up for another go. The Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health identified this as a major cause of childhood farm injuries. Today’s foam-padded playgrounds look like bubble wrap compared to these death rolls.
12. Eating Wild Plants

Amateur botanists with terrible judgment – that’s what kids were in the 60s and 70s. They’d pop berries, chew on stems, and sample whatever looked interesting in the woods. The “knowledge” passed between kids was pure folklore – “if birds eat it, it’s safe” and other totally bogus survival tips. Some got lucky, others got stomach pumps at the ER.
Somehow, people just accepted that eating random plants was a normal childhood phase, like tooth loss or nose-picking. Pediatrics journals document numerous cases of plant poisonings during this era. Today, parents would call poison control if their kid licked an unfamiliar leaf.
11. Building Makeshift Bike Ramps

Safety standards didn’t exist when 60s and 70s kids engineered bike ramps. A few rotting planks propped on cinder blocks? Perfect for launching yourself and your Schwinn into low orbit. These rickety deathtraps collapsed mid-jump as often as not, sending kids face-first into concrete.
The bikes were tanks, but the bodies hitting the pavement weren’t. Kids compared scars and road rash like trading cards. The philosophy was simple: if you weren’t bleeding, you weren’t trying hard enough. Pediatric Emergency Care studies show skateboard and bike ramp injuries were common and often severe.
10. Chasing DDT Trucks

Mind-boggling now, but kids in the 60s and 70s routinely chased trucks spraying DDT through neighborhoods, deliberately playing in the pesticide fog. Parents watched this happen and thought it was cute. The same chemical later banned worldwide for killing wildlife and causing cancer was basically a fun summertime mist for children to frolic in.
Kids would ride bikes right through the thickest chemical clouds for kicks. Environmental Health Perspectives research calls this “The DDT Story” – a cautionary tale of widespread chemical exposure before we understood the risks. The sheer magnitude of this collective insanity is hard to comprehend today.
9. Hookie Bobbing

What could go wrong with grabbing onto moving cars in winter and sliding behind them on icy roads? This pastime called “hookie bobbing” involved kids latching onto strangers’ bumpers for a high-speed tow.
No helmet, no protection, just sneakers on ice and hands gripping metal. If you lost your grip, you tumbled under the following traffic. The Journal of Safety Research identified this as an extreme risk behavior, especially popular in winter months. If caught today, parents would face child services faster than you can say “reckless endangerment.”
8. Playing with Fireworks

Fireworks were everyday toys. M-80s that could blow off fingers, bottle rockets aimed at each other, cherry bombs tossed like baseballs. Kids carried these explosives in pockets, lit them with matches they also carried, and threw them with minimal aiming. Burns, eye injuries, and missing digits were just summer collateral damage.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission now documents fireworks injuries annually, showing the risks we once ignored. Today’s regulated sparklers look like birthday candles compared to the amateur demolition work kids were doing back then.
7. Rough Housing in Sports

Youth sports transformed into gladiator training. No pads, no rules against head tackles, no concern for concussions. Coaches actively encouraged the kind of hits that would get you arrested today. “Walk it off” was the universal treatment for everything from sprains to what we now know were serious brain injuries.
Blood on your uniform was a point of pride. The concept of long-term damage didn’t exist – if you could stand up, you could play. The Journal of Athletic Training and Pediatrics studies show how common sports injuries were in youth with minimal protection. Today’s safety-focused youth leagues would have been mocked relentlessly.
6. No Shirts No Shoes No Problem

Summer’s unofficial kid uniform in the 60s and 70s? Nothing. Barefoot on hot pavement, broken glass, rusty metal – no problem. Shirts were optional year-round in many neighborhoods. Parents kicked kids out at sunrise with zero protection from the elements and expected them back for dinner. Tetanus shots were the after-thought to stepping on nails, not preventative care.
Sunscreen? What’s that? The American Journal of Preventive Medicine tracks how sun protection practices have evolved since this era. The blistering sunburns were just a normal part of summer. Today’s SPF-coated, shoe-wearing kids seem like they’re prepping for space travel by comparison.
5. Riding Bikes Without Helmets

Bike helmets were a rare thing. Kids bombed down steep hills, weaved through traffic, and attempted Evil Knievel stunts with nothing protecting their skulls but hair. If you suggested wearing a helmet, you’d be laughed off the block.
Parents bought bikes but never safety gear to go with them. Concussions were just “getting your bell rung” – shake it off and get back on that bike! The New England Journal of Medicine finally documented the clear link between helmet use and reduced head injuries in the late 80s. The massive shift in attitude proves we finally got smart about brain trauma.
4. Owning Exotic Pets

Want a monkey? Sure. Lion cub? Why not. Venomous snake? Go for it. Regulations were practically non-existent, allowing average families to house creatures that belonged in zoos. The animals suffered, people got mauled, and entire ecosystems were disrupted by released exotics.
The Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science has documented the extensive problems with the exotic pet trade. It wasn’t just the ultra-rich either – middle-class families kept alligators in bathtubs until they got too big, then dumped them in local ponds. Today’s strict exotic pet laws exist because this experiment in amateur zookeeping went catastrophically wrong.
3. Children Working Certain Jobs

Jobs that would trigger immediate child labor investigations today were routine for kids. Ten-year-olds operating heavy farm equipment, pre-teens working in factories with dangerous machinery, children handling toxic chemicals in family businesses.
These weren’t paper routes – they were genuine hazardous labor that maimed and sometimes killed kids. The attitude was simple: you’re old enough to reach the controls, you’re old enough to work. Safety training? Nonexistent. Today’s child labor protections exist because too many kids lost fingers, limbs, or lives.
2. Playing on Train Tracks

The ultimate playground nobody talks about was train tracks. Kids placed pennies on rails, played chicken with oncoming trains, and used tracks as walking paths between towns. The vibrations of an approaching train were the only warning system.
Some kids threw rocks at passing cars, never considering the catastrophic derailment that could cause. Walking train trestles over rivers was a common dare, with nowhere to go if a train came. The number of children who didn’t survive these games doesn’t show up in any official statistics.
1. Questionable TV Shows

Jaw-dropping by today’s standards is the casual racism, sexism, and stereotyping in 60s and 70s TV shows. Shows like The Black and White Minstrel Show featured white performers in blackface as mainstream entertainment. Jokes based on racial stereotypes were prime-time material. Female characters existed primarily as sex objects or nagging wives.
Kids absorbed these messages without any counterbalancing perspectives. The evolution in programming reflects growing recognition of how these portrayals shaped harmful attitudes and biases.